Hassle-free event planning across Germany!
Don't get stuck with event planning, research, and implementation. We have trained and experienced professionals for this: Your event agency in Munich - for event management throughout Germany!
of travel planners say:
Hotel buying is enormously time and resource-consuming
of event managers say:
cost drivers at business events are catering, technology and logistics
of event managers complain: location search is very time-consuming!
of event planners say:
The biggest time wasters are programme budget creation and administration.
Servicebroker GmbH has been active as an event agency in Munich since 1999! Germany-wide! Conference and event management for international companies.
We will organise your event! From the concept, to the planning, to the implementation. Trade fair dinners, stand parties, receptions. Enthusiasm among your participants is our minimum goal!
Research and smart purchasing of conference hotels and event locations, optimization of booking conditions, agenda-setting, event technology, and online registration.
Market comparisons and best price guarantee included! Your event agency in Munich saves your company time and money throughout Germany!
Comes from drive. We see it in a more laid-back way: Take your employees and customers on an adventure trip!
Discovering new places means experiencing new perspectives! We will find the ideal event location for every occasion.
Your events are proven to be one of the most important tools to convey a positive image credibly and strongly to your partners, employees and all stakeholders.
Social responsibility and sustainable thinking are the foundation of our engagement.
The commercial logic of our commitment is volume, frequency, and continuity in the cooperation with our suppliers (e.g. event hotels, event locations) as well as our focus on the most efficient (speed + price + quality) partnerships on the event market in Germany. For our suppliers, we are a cost-effective and targeted distribution channel. They reward us with preferential conditions and availability. Our customers save time and money by using our services. All partners benefit from our matchmaking!
Wouldn't it be cool to have just the right service partner on-site anywhere in Germany? A real professional, absolutely reliable, with years of expertise and the best local tips and tricks. Your event agency in Munich maintains such a network, and now it's yours too!
Thousands of satisfied guests! Hundreds of successful events! Over 25 years of experience! International network of professionals. Your event agency in Munich knows how event management works!
The Internet is still pretty dumb compared to us humans. Even if you can talk to artificial intelligence today, it still can't empathise with your individual needs! We can!
It's true: The internet and artificial intelligence already replaced some traditional professions. With the job title "Servicebroker", we recognised this trend more than 20 years ago and seized the initiative. Servicebroker uses digital technologies to solve problems and challenges. They form a symbiosis of professional competence and digital tools.
Servicebroker GmbH Metzstraße 14b 81667 München/Deutschland